Showing posts with label gary johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gary johnson. Show all posts

Monday, October 3, 2016

Trump Supporters

I was at a family event this weekend when, inevitably the election came up. The group I was sitting with were all anti trump (I can't say for sure they were all pro-Hillary, but definitely all anti-Trump). I quickly looked around, knowing that there were people at the party who are pro-Trump. I quickly shushed the group, quietly letting them know that there were Trump supporters lurking around. Quite frankly, I did not want to get into some big, heated debate at my father's 70th birthday party. (My father, for the record, a life-long un-enrolled party voter, loathes Trump).  I eventually got up because the subject of Trump gets me all riled up, and by the time I came back into the room, the subject had changed. A friend of mine shared this article stating 7 things you know about a person when they say they are a Trump supporter, from the Daily Kos with me. I don't think that EVERY Trump supporter has every single one of these traits, but they certainly have at least one or two. And I am sure some have all (the Trump supporter at the party definitely is not all of them).

Here's a little something for all of you who think Gary Johnson is a serious candidate (spoiler alert: he's not):