Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Well, what a year.

A year ago we were on the brink of the primary season. Hillary and Barack were the two names on everyones lips for the dems, Mit, Rudy and McCain were the republicans.
No one even speculated that John Edwards had been having an affair and had fathered a baby. We didn't know who was going to be the nominee for either party, let alone who was going to win.

My original candidate was Kucinich. He stood for everything I stand for. Deep down I knew he would never get the nomination, and by any chance he might get it, he is way to liberal to actually win. So then for me, to quote randi rhodes, it was between gucci and fendi. I went back and forth before Super Tuesday. Did I go for the candidate who gave me hope, a feeling of new direction? Or did I go with the one I had been routing for for years, did I vote for a woman? In the end, I went for Hillary. However, I did think she went too long before she conceded. In the end, I did cry during her concession speech. I was glad we could finally concentrate on one candidate. I could put all of my energies into barack. And that I did. The pins, the stickers, the websites, the blog, making calls... I did it all.

I obsessively checked my phone for a text message announcing Obama's VP pick. I analyzed the signs, I went back and forth on who would help him most. Some days I thought Hillary, others I thought Biden, some days I would even think a republican was his only choice. A few days before it was announced, "experts" said they were sure it was Biden because his sons were flying from various areas, the family was gathering... and then, at 3 am in the morning, I received a text. I still have it in my phone. "barack has chosen Senator Joe Biden to be our VP nominee. Watch the first Obama-Biden rally live at 3pm ET on Spread the word!" I read it, smiled, and went back to sleep. Obama-Biden it was.

I waited with bated breath for the announcements of the VP's. I feared I would have to look at Mit Romneys hair, listen to Rudy's lisp, or endure Condi. So, while I was sitting in the car in Ludlow Vermont, as Adrian ran into a floral shop to see if they sold ribbon, I checked my email on my trusty iPhone to see i had a CNN Breaking News email announcing Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate. A woman. I couldnt believe he did it. All I knew was she was the governor of Alaska. Nothing more. Immediately, I called my friend Jess "SARAH PALIN!? who the HELL is SHE?!' she said she didnt know if it was fully official. and she filled me in on the ethics violation she was being investigated for. Adrian came back to the car, and I shared the news with her. I called my mom - all had the same reactions: WHO!? No one knew what that was going to mean. Would she help or hinder his campaign? Little did we know how much she would help us...

I watched each debate with keen interest, analyzing, over analyzing. I thought some people might like the old grandpa personality.
I dreamed about the election. I dreamed about voting.

And then it happened.

And now, we embark on 2009.

The year that Bush will leave office. THe year I have been waiting for since November 2000.

May 2009 bring hope, happiness, health, safety, and prosperity.

May all that we have been fighting for start to take shape.

May the troops come home.

May we all be happy.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

it's been a busy week...

With CHristmas, there hasn't been much news - but I will say that I got my Christmas present on November 4, 2008. Let's hope it lives up to everything I hoped - not like Mall Madness, one of my Christmas presents in 1990.

Here is a lovely quote from Caroline Kennedy:

"Many people remember that spirit that President Kennedy summoned forth. Many people look to me as somebody who embodies that sense of possibility. I'm not saying that I am anything like him, I'm just saying there's a spirit that I think I've grown up with that is something that means a tremendous amount to me. I think my mother … made it clear that you have to live life by your own terms and you have to not worry about what other people think and you have to have the courage to do the unexpected. Going into politics is something people have asked me about forever. When this opportunity came along, which was sort of unexpected, I thought, `Well, maybe now. How about now?' We're starting to see there are many ways into public life and public service."

Only a few days left of 2008, and then we enter the year of the first black president.

Friday, December 19, 2008

this has made my december


Franken Senate Victory Projected

Democratic challenger Al Franken finds himself on the cusp of winning a seat in the United States Senate after Minnesota's canvassing board awarded him a host of challenged votes during deliberations on Thursday.

As of 8PM ET, the Minneapolis Star Tribune projected that Franken would finish the recount process with a lead of 89 votes, positioning him to become the 59th senator caucusing with Democrats in the upcoming Congress.

According to local paper tallies, Franken currently trails Sen. Norm Coleman by a mere five votes, down from the 358-vote margin that the Republican held just last night. The Associated Press has the count even closer, with Coleman ahead by two votes. An aide to Franken told the Huffington Post that, according to the campaign's internal count, Franken has already taken a small lead.

The gains came as the canvassing board sifted through hundreds of ballots that Coleman had contested during the recount process. On Friday, the canvassing board will consider another 400 or so Coleman challenges. If the pattern remains consistent, Franken should vault past his opponent to a projected lead of approximately 89 votes, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

The process by which the Senate race has come to this stage is often confusing. Coleman held an approximately 200-vote lead after the state went through a hand recount of all ballots. However, there remained approximately 1,500 ballots that one or the other campaign contested (and temporarily removed from the overall vote tally). Coleman challenged about 1,000 of these, Franken the rest.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the canvassing board considered Franken's challenges, which gave a slight gain to Coleman's lead (Franken, after all, was challenging ballots that were, perhaps erroneously, awarded to Coleman during the recount). But the Franken campaign also gained some votes during the two days; the canvassing board awarded him dozens of ballots that had been wrongfully determined to be non-votes or under-votes.

By Thursday, the canvassing board had moved onto the pile of Coleman challenges, and with it, Coleman's lead quickly dissipated. It became clear early on that the Senator had challenged many ballots simply because they favored Franken and had a minor (non-disqualifying) clerical error. The board began plowing through the votes until, by late afternoon, Franken found himself down by only five.

As it stands now, it seems likely that Franken will end this process with a lead wider than even his campaign expected. Earlier projections, from the Associated Press, Star Tribune and Franken himself, suggested that Coleman would lose the race by roughly 20 votes or less. And this tally doesn't even take into consideration the legal and political battle being waged over wrongfully rejected absentee ballots, which the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled, on Thursday, should be counted.

That decision, another loss for the Coleman campaign, could mean even more votes flowing into Franken's tally, though the Court also stressed that the state and both campaigns come up with a uniform standard for identifying these absentee ballots before they are counted.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

big surprise...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

this may be wrong

but i could watch this over and over again... it might make me unamerican... but i find hit absolutely hilarious

Friday, December 5, 2008

i LIKE this idea!!!!

Maybe it is because I am from Massachusetts, but I love any Kennedy in Washington, and THIS is from the Huffington Post:

Another Senator Kennedy? The crazy speculation about Hillary Clinton's Senate seat may not be so crazy after all. A Democrat who would know tells ABC News that New York governor David Paterson has talked to Caroline Kennedy about taking the seat, which was once held by her uncle, Robert F. Kennedy. It's not exactly shocking that Paterson would reach out to one of the most highly respected public figures in New York, but this is: Sources say Kennedy is considering it, and has not ruled out coming to Washington to replace Hillary Clinton in the Senate.

A few years ago, the famously private Caroline Kennedy would be the last Kennedy expected to serve in Congress, but of course, she took on a much more high-profile role during the presidential campaign and, if she does it, would be more than New York's junior Senator; she'd have closer ties to the Obama White House than any of her colleagues, a direct line to the East Wing.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

From the Washington Post...

Bush's Final Fiasco

By Harold Meyerson
Wednesday, December 3, 2008; A17

As he prepares to move back to Texas, our 43rd president is the beneficiary of Bush fatigue. The nation has long since repudiated him. Americans are looking ahead to the promise of Barack Obama.

And it's lucky for George W. Bush that they are, because his handling of our plunging economy is Hooverian in both its substance and inadequacy.

Herbert Hoover, we should recall, had a program for dealing with the Depression. It consisted of lending to banks but opposing fiscal stimulus or direct aid to individuals. Which is why Hank Paulson's frenzied endeavors to prop up the banking sector and Bush's dogged resistance to assisting anybody else amount to pure neo-Hooverism.

As the 1930s began, Hoover believed that the coordinated actions of the private sector could save the beleaguered economy. It soon became apparent that the only action that private-sector businesses could agree upon was closing down factories and offices and throwing people out of work. Under immense pressure to do something, in late 1931 Hoover asked Congress to establish the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, to provide funds to banks it deemed creditworthy.

By 1932, the RFC was making loans. Yet with the economy in free fall, the rate of bank failures increased until Hoover's successor, Franklin Roosevelt, created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Having done his bit to bail out the banks, however, Hoover rested. He opposed provisions that would have enabled homeowners to hang on to their homes.

As breadlines lengthened, he vetoed a bill appropriating funds for public works on the grounds that it was inflationary and contained pork-barrel spending. Bankers would be saved; everyone else was effectively damned.

Sound familiar? The Bush administration's approach to today's meltdown is to direct all its energies and largess to lending institutions. There is, as yet, no program to help floundering homeowners renegotiate the terms of their mortgages. The president is opposed to further stimulus programs, even though private-sector investment in the United States has all but ceased.

It's becoming increasingly clear, however, that while saving the banks may limit further calamities, it doesn't really save anybody else. Even with government-guaranteed lines of credit, financial institutions are refusing to lend money. With the banks effectively on strike, an economic recovery, if there is to be one, must begin with the government injecting funds to those parts of the economy that need it most: infrastructure development, state and local governments, an alternative-energy sector. These are all programs to which Bush is firmly opposed.

In a sense, Bush's inactivity is even less excusable than Hoover's. Unlike Hoover, Bush could learn from the successes of New Deal and World War II-era programs to revive the economy. Keynes's general theory of how to defeat depressions wasn't around when Hoover was president, but it's been with us now for 72 years. What's more, virtually every reputable conservative economist, from Martin Feldstein on down, now supports a government stimulus program. But Bush, drawing on no known body of economic thought, remains opposed. (So does Republican House leader John Boehner, who seems determined to elevate stupidity to a party principle.) And with each passing day, the economic hole out of which we will have to climb grows deeper.

So where's the outrage? Why aren't demonstrators besieging the White House? Where are the "Welcome to Bushville" signs in those neighborhoods where abandoned homes outnumber the occupied ones?

The answer, I suspect, is that you can only irreversibly give up on a president once. Further catastrophic failures on the president's part elicit only diminishing returns. Buchanan did nothing while the South seceded: That was it for him. Hoover did nothing as farmers, workers and middle-class America got wiped out: With that, he was beyond rehabilitation. Nixon had Watergate: Enough said. One mega-strike and you're out.

Bush, however, has had three. He misled us into a nearly endless war of choice to disarm a threat that never really existed. He let a great American city drown. And now he stands by while the economic security of tens of millions of Americans is vanishing.

Yet in the hearts of his countrymen, Bush's place is already fixed. Even before the financial collapse, he was in the ninth circle of presidential hell, with Buchanan and Hoover. At his own party's national convention this summer, his was the name that no one dared speak. And so, though his mishandling of the economy is criminally inept, he is being spared one more outbreak of public rage by two countervailing public sentiments: Americans' relief that he soon will be gone and their kind reluctance to kick a corpse.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Yahoo Madam Secretary!!!!!!

Well, it is finally official!

I was driving back to NYC from MA and heard it all on the radio. I found myself unexpectedly crying. and laughing. It hits me at the oddest times. I was so proud and happy! And just hearing all of these intelligent, well spoken diplomats was so emotional for me! Each day I find a new burst of hope and a sense of calm.

Here is video of the press conference: