Monday, April 26, 2010


I said many things about George W. Bush when he was president.  That I was smarter than him, that he didn't really win the election, that I thought he should be impeached (along with a few other members of his cabinet), but never once did I say I wish he would die.  There really isn't anyone I wish dead.  I mean, sure, Bin Laden (who I think is already dead), terrorists etc... But really, I don't want them DEAD I would just like them to have changes of heart.  Maybe stop being terrorists, murderers, rapists from doing the awful things they are inclined to do, but I would never wish anyone dead.
That is why, last night, when I saw two of my "Friends" on facebook had joined this group, I was sickened. I don't think it is funny, even if it is a "joke." First off, I don't think any of the families of the celebrities mentioned in the group will think it is funny, and secondly, I am pretty sure that can be considered a threat, right?  Do people not realize that most of the worlds assassins act because of information they heard on tv, the radio, and now, on the internet?  These people are vulnerable, and take things literally.  Just yesterday someone was arrested at the airport that the President was flying out of in West Virginia.  He was in West Virginia to give the eulogy for the miners who died. 
I try to be eloquent, I try to be rational, but this stuff gets my emotions to such an elevated level, I can't even think clearly, let alone speak or type clearly! 
How about we work on getting along rather than wishing someone dead because we don't agree with them, because Fox News tells us so. 

Use your own minds people, look into what brings your fear, and face them.  It is 2010, I would hope by now we would be above all of this.